the lady from baltimore
Bonanza Western TV
The Lone Writer  

The Lady from Baltimore Full Episode – Bonanza, Season #03, Episode #17

Mercedes McCambridge makes a guest appearance as Deborrah Banning, the wife of Baltimore publisher Horace Manning, portrayed by Hayden Rorke. Deborrah, who initially wed for wealth and social status, finds herself in poverty and obscurity due to her husband’s financial failures. Now, she lives vicariously through her daughter Melinda, played by Audrey Dalton, and is adamant that Melinda marry into the Cartwright family—any Cartwright will do. Tensions rise as Melinda chooses Adam over Joe despite Joe’s deep affection for her. The Lady from Baltimore, written by John Peyser, first aired on January 14, 1962.

Explore its storyline, along with fascinating trivia, or enjoy the complete episode by watching below.

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Watch the Full Episode of The Lady from Baltimore

Watch the Full Episode of The Lady from Baltimore:

Main Cast

Besides the main cast, “The Lady from Baltimore,” the seventeenth episode of Bonanza Season 3 highlights various recurring and guest supporting actors. The following are featured in the episode:

  • Michael Landon as Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Cartwright
  • Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright
  • Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright
  • Dan Blocker as Eric ‘Hoss’ Cartwright
  • Mercedes McCambridge as Deborah Banning
  • Audrey Dalton as Melinda Banning
  • Hayden Rorke as Horace Banning
  • Victor Sen Yung as Hop Sing
  • Robert Adler as Stagecoach Driver
  • Bill Clark as Shotgun Guard (uncredited)
  • Ethan Laidlaw as Townsman (uncredited)

Full Story Line for The Lady from Baltimore

The Cartwrights welcome a visit from Deborah Banning and her daughter, Melinda. Deborah is determined to orchestrate a marriage between Melinda and one of Ben’s sons, taking drastic measures to sway Ben’s opinion.

Eventually, she settles on Joe as the suitable candidate. However, Melinda has her preferences, and complications arise when Deborah’s husband, Horace, unexpectedly arrives.

Full Script and Dialogue of The Lady from Baltimore



Anything else I can help
you with, Mrs. Banning?

No, thank you very much.

Mrs. Banning...
I'm Ben Cartwright.

Mr. Cartwright, how good of
you to extend your hospitality

to a poor, sick stranger.

Well, really, the wife of Horace
Banning is hardly a stranger.

What a very nice
thing for you to say.


Oh, this is my daughter Melinda.

Coachman, it's been
a delightful experience.

Thank you, ma'am.

Might I suggest
that in the future

you try to keep your
carriage a little bit cleaner?

Yes, ma'am.

Uh, Mrs. Banning, my
buckboard is right over there.

I, I hope you won't
find that one too dusty.

Oh, I feel sure that
your conveyance will be

more than satisfactory,
Mr. Cartwright.

Come along, Melinda.

Well, this is where
the Ponderosa begins.

Why, this is the
domain of an emperor.

Well... How do
you like it, Melinda?


It's so different from home.

It's like being
in another world.

Well, we want you both to
feel that this is your home,

and we want you both to stay
as long as you possibly can

or at least as long as Horace
can bear to be without you.

Well, you do make us feel
most welcome, Benjamin.

I wish Daddy were here.

So do I, darling, so do I.

It is too bad that he couldn't
have come out with us,

but publishing a daily
newspaper is quite a job.

You know, it must
be about 25 years

since I've seen Horace,

but even in those days I,
I knew he'd be a success.




Come on over, boys.

Mrs. Banning, her daughter.

My boys Hoss, Little Joe.

Well, how wonderful it
is to meet both of you.

My, they're striking
specimens, Benjamin.

Must be your fine
Ponderosa air here.

Aren't they handsome, Melinda?

Yes, very.

Well, thank you
very much, ma'am.

Welcome to the Ponderosa.

We heard you was
coming, Mrs. Banning.

Pa told us you're
in kind of bad health.

Well, hope the Ponderosa
and your stay here

will make you feel better.

Well, thank you very much, Hoss.

It's nothing serious,
really, I'm just overtired.

I want to see your horses.

All right, come with me.




I read about that once.

I never dreamed I'd ever
see a bucking bronco.

Well, have a good look.

It looks so dangerous.

We have to do it every day.

He's quite a daredevil.

That's my older brother Adam.

He's a darn good horse breaker.



Horse looks like it's half wild.

Well, he was all wild once.

Hard to think of
horses as being wild.

Where I come from,
they're, they're all so gentle.

Well, you got to break 'em or
they won't do any work for you.

What is it that has to
be broken, Little Joe?

Aw, it's just the, just
the wildness that's in 'em.


Melinda, this is
my brother Adam.

Adam, this is our
guest Melinda Banning.

Morning, Melinda.

Welcome to the Ponderosa.

I'm afraid we're going to have
to excuse him for a minute.

It's time for you to
go to work, buddy.

They got a little old horse
over there all ready for you.



You stay right here.

I'll be back.



That was so exciting and
looked so very dangerous.

It's just a job.

Watch him.

All right, turn him out!

Hyah! Hyah!


That horse will kill him.

Well, it hasn't
happened to him yet.




It's stopped bucking now.

Does that mean he's broken?

No, but most of
the fight's out of him.



Great, Joe, just great.

Well, you're not so
bad yourself, brother.

All you need is
a little practice.

What'd you think of the ride?

I don't know how you do it.

He doesn't either.

Thanks a lot.

Well, you see, it
didn't hurt the horse,

and now he'll be useful.

No longer free to do
what he wants but useful.

Melinda, come along.


I must say, I find myself a bit
surprised at these Cartwrights.

For all their money they live
out here like so many savages.

Of course that can be improved,

and they are a good family...

A bit uncouth perhaps,
but there's good blood there,

there is, and their holdings...

They're as vast as half
the state of Maryland.


And what you could
do with this place.

I can see it... the servants,
the butlers, the footmen.

Mother, may I say something?

No, darling, not in
that tone of voice.

That always means that
you're about to think for yourself.

Anyhow, we said everything
there was to be said

before we ever left Baltimore.

But, Mother, please, just
listen to me for a moment.

Yes, Melinda.

Are you sure...
Are you quite sure

that what we're doing is right?

Don't you know?

In your heart don't you know

that what I am doing
is for your own good?


Mother... Come on, now.

Get out of that tub
and get dressed.

Mother, please listen to me.

Melinda, there is nothing sadder

and more futile
than foolishness,

and you, my poor darling,
seem to have been blessed

with more than your portion,

thanks to your father.

But you're lucky

because, to compensate,
you have beauty...

Beauty that was
wasted in Baltimore

thanks to the way we had to live

due to your father's
continuous failures,

but out here, here in Ponderosa

we're making that
beauty work for us.

Mother, that isn't
what I wanted to know.

I know all that.

I wanted you to tell me that
what we're doing isn't wrong.


Oh, no.

No, of course not.

Everything that
we're doing is right.

Happiness for you is right,

security for you is right...
Security for your children.

Darling, everything
that we are doing is right.

It's all right.

How could I be
anything but right

wanting all of this for you?


Baby, I have fought
for your happiness...

from the day that you were born.

But I'm getting
tired, I really am.

I'm awfully tired.

There isn't a great
deal of fight left in me.

Selfishly I've even been hoping
that somewhere in your future

there might be a little peace,

a little satisfaction
for me, too.

No, no. No, don't cry.

You'll ruin those
wonderful eyes.

You are a lovely girl.

I merely want someone
to appreciate that.

Come on, let's get dressed.

That was a delicious
meal, Benjamin.

Really delicious.

Well, thank you.

We, uh... we're so pleased

that you enjoyed your
first meal at the Ponderosa.

I enjoyed it all thoroughly.

Miss Melinda, you
ain't tasted nothing yet

till you taste some of Hop
Sing's Hong Kong Mulligan.

Well, of course, Baltimore
is noted for its food.

Especially seafood.

We catch some pretty
fine trout around here, too.

Chincoteague oysters lying
on a bed of glistening ice.

And lobsters.

First broiled, and then
served in melted butter.

And our home brilliantly
lit with hundreds

of candles and
crystal chandeliers.

And in one part of the room,

a small orchestra
playing gently, softly.

Very often, the music

by that gifted young Polish
composer, Mr. Chopin.

And the servants,
one behind each place,

and the white uniforms,
the white cotton gloves,

white stockings.

And inevitably, the governor
is the first one to arrive.

He's always so prompt.

But then, he has great
respect for my husband.

And Horace... Poor
dear, dear Horace.

How he fusses

about the social life
I impose upon him.

But I think, deep down,

he enjoys it just
as much as I do.

I'm afraid he'd be
rather disappointed

in our primitive
way of life out here.

Oh, no, no, no, not at all.

You're wrong about that.

Horace is a great
out-of-doors man.

You'd all like him so much.

Well, do you know,

his idea of a banquet
is a hunt breakfast

after an early morning
exciting ride to the hounds?

He has his own stables.

Most of them are thoroughbreds.

I feel a little faint.

I... I need some air.

I think it was all
the travelling today.

Oh, no, no. Gentlemen,
please, sit down.

Melinda's given to these
momentary spells, poor darling.

She's been so delicately
born, and so delicately bred.

I... I think I'd better
see that she's all right.

Excuse me.

Melinda, you all right?

I'm fine, Little Joe.

You shouldn't
have left the others.

Well, I... I saw the
way you looked.

It worried me.

You're nice, Little Joe.

Hey, you know,
you don't talk much.

Your mother seems
to do it for both of you.

She's much wiser than I am.

Yeah. But you know, the
things she was talking about...

I've only read
about 'em in books.

Must be a lot different
for you out here.

I like it here.

We like having you here.

Such a... a wonderful
feeling of... feeling of family.

Yeah, I know.

Pa talks about that
all the time, the family.

That's how everybody
thinks of us around here...

The Cartwright family.

You don't have to be here long

to realize you all
belong together.

You know, sometimes I
think we're together too much.

You know, it's a little rough
on me being the youngest.

Oh, here I am
talking about myself,

and it's really you I
want to talk about.

There isn't very much to know.

Where I come from, I
lead a very quiet life.

Quiet? With that house
and all those servants

and the governor coming
to dinner all the time,

your father being a big
newspaper publisher?

What's the matter?
You feel bad again?

It's nothing.

Now, you're not disappointed

in the way... the
way we live out here?

Oh, Joe, please!

I can't stand these
terrible lies anymore.

Your awful stories about parties

and servants and
hunt breakfasts.

Until I conceived this idea

of bringing you out here,

you were irrevocably committed
to the kind of life I've had.

And nobody knows better
than you what that's been.

But here, out here,

I've created a
new image for you.

You have glamour and
distinction and mystery.

And you mustn't do
anything to alter that, darling.

Not until after you and
Joseph are married.

Then it won't matter.

Why must it be Little Joe?

Because Hoss doesn't
feel that way about you.

And Adam is far too cunning.

I watched him at dinner tonight.

He'd be too
difficult to control.

Suppose I don't love Little Joe?

That doesn't matter.

Marriage is a contract.

No contract can be executed
under the influence of emotion.

I suppose you're right.

Of course, I'm right.

You'll have a perfect
marriage with Joseph.

You'll be able to twist him
around your little finger.

Just think, you'll have
everything your own way.

Just think how
happy you will be.

You've been twisting my father

around your little
finger for 25 years.

Has it made you happy?

Who in the whole world could
be happy with your father?

For you, Melinda, it's
going to be different.

So different.

And I ask you with all my heart

to believe me when I say,

everything I'm doing,
I am doing for you.

Mmm! Hey, that's wonderful!

That's just
wonderful. What is it?

Well, the recipe's been in
my family for generations.

It comes from France.

Do you have any wine?

Well, it's a little early in
the morning for that, isn't it?

Not for me, silly. For the stew.

I told you this recipe
came from France.

Well, I, uh...

I don't think we have
any wine around here.

If you think real
hard, it'll come to you.

It's in the pantry.

Oh, yeah, the pan... the pantry.

Yeah, for-for the
minister. I forgot.

I knew it would come to you.

Well, I'll get it.

I haven't seen much of
you the last few days, Adam.

You haven't seen much
of anybody, except Joe.

I've missed you.

I'll bet you have.

No. Adam, believe me.

What kind of a woman are you?

First it's Joe.

Then the minute his
back is turned, it's me.

Adam, if you'd just
let me explain, Adam.

Yes, Melinda?

I was going to ask if you'd like
to taste some of the beef stew.

No, I'd rather be surprised.

He's gonna be
surprised, all right.

Wine in beef stew.

What are the Frenchmen
going to think of next?

That was the most
delicious dinner ever served

in this house.

Don't thank me, Benjamin.

Melinda's such a fine cook.

She was instructed

by one of the greatest
culinary teachers in Baltimore.

I like it better here at night,

when you can't see
how big the country is.

I guess you must be getting
pretty lonesome for home.

I suppose I am.

But not the way it sounds.

It's just that I'm... I'm
used to it back there.

Do you think you could ever
get used to the way it is out here?

You get used to
love, Little Joe.

Then you don't have to
get used to anything else.

Does that mean
what I want it to mean?

You're sweet, Little Joe.

You're the nicest
person I've ever met.

You're pretty
sweet yourself. I...

I haven't been able to think of
much else since you got here.

Then I'm glad I came.

Melinda, I'd like to
ask you a question.

If I... if I thought you'd
give me an answer now.

What answer do
you want, Little Joe?

You answered me.

Yes, Little Joe.


Oh, this air!

It really is
invigorating, isn't it?

It's like fine perfume.

Mother, the men may not like it,
bothering them while they work.

Joseph asked you
to come, did he not?

Yes, Mother.

Men adore women who
show an interest in their work.

It makes them so proud of
their... little achievements.

Mother, there's
something I must tell you.

Please, Melinda, I have
ordered you not to think.


Well, I, uh... I got
these side saddles.

I hope they're
what you're used to.

Benjamin, you don't
think the boys would mind

if we looked in on their
work for a while, do you?

Mind? Why, not at all. I...

As matter of fact, I think

you'd find the work we do on
the Ponderosa very interesting.

Now, you won't
forget where they are?

They're just over
that next rise.

- Hmm.
- Uh, shall I help you up?

Oh, would you, please?

Whoa, boy.

I wonder who
asked them out here.

Well, I did. Any
reason why I shouldn't?

They're our guests, Adam.

Hi, Melinda. You
have a good ride?

Howdy, ma'am.
You enjoy yourself?

I should say we did.

Thank you so much.


There we are.

That was just fine. Just fine.

Well, are you cooking?

No, ma'am, we're not.

You don't seem very
glad to see us, Adam.

No, I was just thinking
about your comfort.

This might be a
little rough on you.

Thank you very much, Adam.

But you'll find

that Melinda can
accustom herself

to anything that
happens on a ranch.


Hoss, get the calf, will you?

Joe, get some more wood.

Right, Adam. Excuse me.

You're not going to
burn that tiny thing?

All cattle look alike.

It's the only way we have
of putting our name on them.

Besides, it's not really
as bad as it looks.

You got him?

What happened to her?

I told you the women
shouldn't be here.

Now, why don't you just
go back to the house?

Adam, you don't have
to talk to her that way.

All right, the girl's sick. Why
don't you take her home?

I'll take her home, but
only because she's sick.

Come on, Melinda.

I'm sorry, I guess it threw me,

seeing her keel over that way.

I'm sorry, Melinda.

Looks like Little Joe's sort
of stuck on that gal, don't it?


Now, let's get back to work.

Yeah. Just remember, we all
got to live here together, Adam.

Yeah. Get another
calf, will you?


What kind of wire is that?


It's full of sharp points.


That's the best way to learn.

But it's so cruel.

Well, it goes along with
everything else here...

Breaking horses,
branding calves.

Everything's done with pain.

You don't have a patent on hurt.

Melinda, you are a guest here,

and you're free to come
and go as you please.

But it is a working ranch,

and at the moment
I'm pretty busy.

Leave me alone.
Get away from me.

I don't need your help.

Looks like you do.

There you are.

I'm sorry, Adam.

I don't know what
led me to do that.

Adam, what are you doing?

Nothing, Joe. Nothing.

What do you mean,
you're doing nothing?

Oh, come on.


What do you mean, wait a minute?

That's the girl
I'm going to marry.

Going to marry?

It happened last night.

I wanted to tell you
when we were all together.

Well, wait a minute, now.

Didn't this happen
awful sudden like?

I mean, well...

Well, Joe, are you... are
you sure you love her?

More than anything in the world.

So when I saw her with Adam...

Oh, now, wait a minute now, Joe,

Adam didn't know how
you felt about Melinda.

Well, none of us did.

I suppose you're right.

So I think I'd better
set him straight.

Now, wait, wait, Joe.

Joe, look, uh, you
go up to the house.

Please? Go up to the house.

Yes, sir.

Well... what happened?


She got her dress tangled
in the wire, and I helped her.

That's all.

Did you know that
Joe wants to marry her?

- You're kidding?
- No, he just told me.

When did all this happen?

Well, evidently, last night.

Well, it can never be.

She's not in love with him.

What do you mean?

She's not in love with him.

Look, Adam...

do you have any feeling
for this girl yourself?

No, no, but that's
not the point.

What is the point?

The point is... she kissed me.

She kissed me, but
she's marrying him.

Oh, this is developing
into some situation.

Well, that's for sure.

And I think it might
be a good idea

if I got away for
a couple of days.

Go down to Tucson,

maybe, uh, look at that
new strain of beef, huh?

That might be a good idea.

All right if I take Hoss?

Yeah, sure, sure.



What's going to happen
if Joe marries her,

and then finds out that
she doesn't love him?




Surprise, Debra. Surprise.

What in heaven's name
are you doing here?

Hello, Debra.

Horace... I asked
you a question.

What are you doing here?

Well, my dear, I'm afraid I
have some unfortunate news.

Some unfortunate news?

That means you've
lost your job again.

Well, that hardly surprises me.

But why did you come here?

Of all times, why did
you come here now?

But, Debra, you're here.

Where else would I go?

Anyplace, anyplace in the
whole wide world, except here.

Now, you get on that thing,
and you ride out of here

just twice as fast
as you came in.

But, Debra, I don't understand.

It's been such a long trip.

I'm hungry, and I'm tired.

Why must I go?
Why can't I stay here?

Why can't I see Melinda,
and my old friend, Ben?

Because your old friend Ben
is the last person in the world

I want you to see right now.

Horace, Melinda and
Joseph Cartwright...

are going to be married.


Why, that's just wonderful.

Melinda, and the
son of my old friend.

I think that's simply wonderful.

Why, it looks like I got
here just at the right time.

Horace, I have worked for
weeks, in time and in effort,

to bring this marriage about.

And now you come
along unexpectedly

and spoil everything.

Spoil everything?

How can I do that?

Why would I do
anything to hurt Melinda?

I'm her father.

You are not Melinda's father.

Not her father?

You are not the father I have
described to Ben Cartwright.

But Ben knows me.

He knows I'm her father.

Ben Cartwright
thinks Melinda's father

is a successful businessman.

He thinks we have lived
in grace and splendor.

He thinks she has
known culture and wealth.

I don't know why you
made up all those lies,

but I know Ben Cartwright,

and I know that whether
Melinda had money or not

wouldn't mean a thing to
him, if his son loved her.

You fool.

You dull, thickheaded,
idiotic, fool.

All your life you've
been avoiding reality.

Debra, I don't
think that's fair.

Well, this is one reality
you're not going to avoid.

You have been, you
have always been,

a detriment to your daughter.


And now you are a
threat to her future.

If, as you say, you love her,

if you really love her,
you will get out of here.

Don't bring her future happiness
crashing down around her head.


My little lady.


Oh, how I've missed you.

And I've missed you, too, Daddy.

Your mother tells me
you're about to get married.

Yes, and-and now you can
be here for the wedding, too.

I was hoping for that.

And Mr. Cartwright is going
to be so pleased to see you.

He talks about you all the time.

Let's go see if we can find him.

Uh... no, Melinda.

I... I'm not going to stay here.

You're not going to stay?

But where are you
going? You just got here.

Your mother, she
thinks, well, uh...

it's better that I
go away again.

You know, Ben thinks
I'm a successful...

well, all he'd need is
one look at me and...

Yes, I-I see.

Your mother's right, you
know. Oh, yes, she's right.

The only thing
important now is you.

What happens to you.

Mustn't let anything
endanger that.

No, I-I suppose she's right.

Horace, will you please go

before they come
and find you here?

Melinda, I-I haven't
been a very good father,

I know that, but... before I go,

just tell me that you
love this boy, and...

and that you'll be happy.

She has told you.

She's my child, Debra,
just as much as she's yours.

Now, you get out of here.

And if you do anything to
interfere with this marriage,

I swear by everything
that's in me,

I will kill you.

At this moment, Debra,
that might be an act of grace.



By golly, what a, what
a wonderful surprise.

Ben, Ben, it's been a long time.

Yeah, it's been a long time.
Too many years, Horace.

Isn't it wonderful, Benjamin.

Yes. It's. it's...

Now Horace is gonna be here

for Melinda's wedding after all.

You were the one thing
that was lacking, my darling.

But now that you're here,

going to be all right.

Oh, you must be
so tired, my sweet.

Come along. We'll
get you washed up.

Come along.

W-We'll talk, Horace.

I'll get your things.

Oh, Joe, d-did you
see Melinda's father?

I'll tell you, it was
the most wonderful

surprise when I... Yeah.

Well, what it is, Joe?

It's Melinda.

Oh, say, um, what
was troubling her?

I don't know. She was crying.

She said it was
all the excitement

about seeing her father.

Well, of course it was.

I guess it was.

I'm probably just
imagining things.

Well, what else
could it have been?

I don't know. Just
a feeling I have.

I love her so much, Pa.

You do.

Ah, she's so beautiful.

Well, you've been
around pretty girls before.

Yeah, but it's
not just that. It's...

it's everything about
her. The way she talks,

the clothes she wears,
where she comes from.

I've just never known
a girl like her before.

That's why I worry sometimes.

I wonder if she can
be happy out here.

She's so used to the
way it was back there.

Of course she will be.

When I see her cry...

I guess I get a
little scared, Pa.

Good evening, Ben.

Nothing like a shave and a bath

to make one feel like a new man.

Well, I'm glad that you're
feeling so much better.

Will Melinda and
Debra be down shortly?

In a little while.
You know women.

It takes them longer
to comb their hair

than it takes a man
to grow a beard.

Know exactly what you mean.

Well, dinner won't be
ready for an hour anyway.

- Another hour?
- Hmm.

Hop Sing wants to outdo himself.


Well, that'll give us
a little time for a talk.

About old times, eh, Ben?
I've been looking forward.

Well, not exactly
about old times.

I, uh, I'd like to talk about...

your daughter and my son.

All right, Ben. How about
the happy young couple?

That's just the point.

Will they be a
happy young couple?

Why, I don't understand?

Debra assures me this is
gonna be a perfect marriage.

Young people, she says,
are very much in love.

I'm worried about them, Horace.

- Worried?
- Mm-hmm.

What's there possible
to worry about?

Well, for one thing,

their backgrounds
are so different.

Joseph has spent

most of his life right
here on the Ponderosa.

Oh, the boys have been back
east on visits, certainly, but...

he's a, he's a boy who's
grown up on a ranch.

While Melinda...

well, you know her background
better than I do, Horace.

Cultural pursuits, the
elaborate social life,

the elegance of your home.

Now, Ben, I...

I don't think that's important.

It's important to Melinda.

If she has to give it all up

for this kind of life...

Oh, well, we like it of course,

it's what we know,
but your daughter...

do you think she
loves Joseph enough

to want to give up all
the wonderful things

that you provided
her with back east,

for this kind of life?

Life on a ranch?

Ben, I, I'm sure Debra
knows what's best.

Horace, please.

This is not Debra's decision.

It's Melinda's.

Ask her.

Now, she won't keep
the truth from you

any more than you would from me.

Ben, there's
something... you're right.

I won't lie to you.

I mean, I wouldn't lie to you,

but lies have been told you

about me and my success and...

Melinda and her background.


None of it... none
of it's true. Nothing...

nothing is further
from the truth.

I... I don't even have a job.

Debra concocted the
whole elaborate scheme.

Why? Why...

why would you have
to do a thing like that?

To snare a husband
for our daughter.


Well did,

does she have to
pretend to be rich?

Does she think I'm looking
for rich wives for my sons?

My wife's ambitious.

I guess she's had to be
with a failure for a husband.

What she did was
wrong, Ben. Very wrong.

But she did it out of a...

sincere desire to
provide Melinda with a,

with a good home.

With the kind of life that,

that Debra's always
wanted and never had.

That's not the
question now, is it?

The important thing is...

does Melinda love Joseph?

Or would she marry
him... for the money,

for a share of the Ponderosa,

comforts that could
be provided her?

I honestly don't know, Ben.

All her life, Debra's
been telling her,

what to like, what
to think, what to do.

Melinda, there's
something I must ask you.

Yes, Father.

I heard you talking
to Mr. Cartwright.

I know what I must do.

Where is Little
Joe, Mr. Cartwright?

Well, he's out at the barn.

His horse went lame.
He's attending to him.

She's a fine girl, Horace.

I'm glad you're both so honest.

I'm glad we both finally
found the courage.

It'll be kind of rough
for them out there.


But it'll be better than a
lifetime of unhappiness.

I'll, uh, I'll tell Debra.

Uh, we'll be leaving for
Baltimore in the morning, Ben.

Horace, uh, there's
no need for you

to go back to Baltimore

if you don't want to.

I have a friend who's a
publisher in San Francisco.

Could be a fresh start for you.

He could use a good man.

I'm sorry, Joe.

Not only for what my
mother and I tried to do,

but that we didn't fall in love.

I fell in love.

No. At least not with me.

You fell in love with
something my mother created.

You can't stay in love

with something
that never existed.

Everything's ready, Mr. Banning.

Daddy, Mother?

I-I don't know.

She's in there with Ben.

I'm not sorry for what I did.

Not one iota.

Well, I can
understand that, Debra.

You... with all your money,

and your empire
of the Ponderosa,

how could you understand?

I didn't inherit the Ponderosa.

I worked to build it.

But you've never
known what it's like

to be really poor.

To scrimp, and
pinch, and sacrifice.

To feel ashamed, humiliated,

and even angry at poverty.

And to swear by all that's
holy that the same thing

won't happen to your daughter.

Debra, to want the
best for your child,

to fight for it,
that's a fine thing.

But to force her into
your idea of her future,

that's wrong.


Wrong for me to
want the security

and peace of a marriage
for my daughter?

Money can't guarantee that.

Only love.


Horace and I married for love.

Now look at us.

I am looking.

And I see a lovely young girl

who loves her mother so much

that she tries to obey her

even though it almost
breaks her heart.

And I see a husband...

who loves his wife still,

in spite of the indignities
and humiliations

that she heaps on him.

I see two people who love you.

And they're waiting
for you outside.

I wrote a friend of mine, a
publisher in San Francisco.

I'm almost certain
he'll give Horace a job.

It'll be a fresh
start for all of you.

Go with them.


Good-bye, Ben.

And thank you for everything.

Good-bye, Horace.

Good luck.

Good-bye, Melinda.

Good-bye, Mr. Cartwright.
And thank you.

Behind the Scenes of The Lady from Baltimore

Around the 10-minute mark, Melinda is shown with tanning lines from a modern bathing suit around her left hip, visible as she exits the bathtub.

Looking for More Bonanza Episodes?

Bonanza is an outstanding, family-friendly program suitable for solo viewing or enjoyment with loved ones. The Lady from Baltimore is the 83rd episode out of 430. Bonanza, produced by NBC, graced their network’s schedule from September 1959 to January 1973, encompassing a total of 14 seasons.

You can find more about any of the 430 Bonanza episodes here>>

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